While we're at it, another one of my favorite Danish bands, Alphabeat!
6 years ago
PRIVATE - My Secret Lover (UK Explicit Version) from PRIVATE on Vimeo.
I'll post some more PRIVATE videos in the future. Also be sure to check out their Vimeo page which links to their other accounts, which so far are under appreciated (only 75 facebook fans?!).Read the whole article here.Across town, Rob Paine was sleeping off an overnight shift at Excelsior Youth Center when his computer woke him up. “My Twitter client just started beeping like crazy,” he says, with people micro-blogging news of the singers death. “I started freaking out.”
Within an hour, he’d asked Baby Bar owner Patty Tully if he could host a memorial that night, quickly made event fliers and then Twittered the event to his friends. An hour after that, the news called. It was a local example of what was happening all over the world. Michael Jackson was dead and people had mobilized.